Wednesday 27 October 2010

Hello Mummyhood!

Hello indeed! I'd love to take this very blissful moment that I've been craving and keep it going forever!! Sitting at the computer nice and fresh in my jim jams with Norah Jones playing sweet music while Freya Belle lays peacefully across my tummy.

The last 7 weeks have been the most incredible - my life has just begun! The day we arrived from hospital I felt brand new! So elated I didn't really know what to do next, I put Freya in her pram for a walk around the park and to Tesco just to collect my thoughts and take in what had just happened 24 hours before!

Even now I'm finding myself stuck for words, not knowing where to start or how to put into words just how amazing this is. I love how starting our own little family has brought the whole family closer together - Grahams mum is the proudest Nana going, my Dad and Michelle (nicknamed Grandad Twedz and Glam-ma) are besotted and my Auntie Elva's knitting needles must have smoke coming off them for the lovely cardigans, hats and blanket that she's made! Everyones hands have been busy, Nana Maureen made a fab cross stitch picture of teddies in a house and her sister Grahams Aunt Barbara made a beautiful embroidered quilt too.

Not having a maternal role model I've read every book and magazine to fuse my brain with all the information I'd ever need on childcare and for the most part its great its common sense but the best thing is trusting my own instincts. Knowing and understanding what my little darling needs by her cries and now as she is much more alert and aware of her surroundings we can interact with facial expressions and mimicking each others sounds! Graham says I must be pleased to finally find someone I can communicate with on the same level as me - the cheeky devil!

Well, my times up for now, little bear wants some grub! x

1 comment:

  1. fantastic post amy, there's happiness radiating out of my laptop!x
