Tuesday 20 July 2010

Data Error?!

I have my 31 week check up with the doctors tomorrow, quite looking forward to it actually as I'm meeting a female practitioner for the first time, I don't think I've ever seen a female doctor, I've never really been bothered by doctors being male, in fact I quite like Mr Dr Dean so tomorrows check will make a change from the norm.

And theres going to be one rather prominent question to ask.....

After cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen and putting a load of washing out I started to prepare myself for the next day, normally just a case of setting out clothes to wear but tonight I had to pack my medical notes for the docs tomorrow.

Well, I thought I'd have a little sit down and read the observations, one of interest to me is that at 10 weeks I was 58kg and the last recorded weight at 25 weeks is 69kg. Also a few notes about various tests to be sent to the lab and the feed back but amongst the paperwork theres also a maternity ultrasound report attached.

So I'm taking a look and its interesting to read what they can evaluate from the ultrasound, They have my EDD by ultrasound (Estimated Due Date) as 20th September which is what we take as Baby Day but theres also EDD by Dates which is 13th Sept thats the date calculated by last period - That will be a very exciting week!!

And there's a checklist for fetal autonomy from head to toe quite literally all observed as normal, brain, face, spine, four chamber view and great vessels, abdominal wall, kidneys and bladder genitalia appears male (up to 98% accuracy)

Did you get the glitch there?!! This paper work says MALE when the sonographer clearly announced to me during my 20 week scan in April that I am having a girl!! We discussed it, a girl, a baby girl, pretty in pink I said and she said yes!

I have not doubt in my mind of knowing that I am prepared to have a little Freya but why the blinking nora do my notes say differently?

So thats going to be the big question on my lips tomorrow and I am going to ask for another scan since I cant believe that one little word in her report so contradicts our whole conversation and experience during my 20 week scan!

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