Saturday 18 June 2011

9 Months In, 9 Months Out!

Hello! Its June 2011 and Freya is now 9 months old, its funny top think she has been in my life for a year and half already, albeit with half of that time spent in my tummy!

She's such a ray of sunshine and as each day passes I'm learning more about her as she develops, especially this cheeky sense of personality she is already showing! Every time she goes to do something she shouldn't (like pull all of the DVD's and computer games off the shelf) she turns around to check if the coast is clear for her to get up to mischief!

I've been trying to master my disciplined 'no' tone but can't help but laugh as she experiments with the boundaries - something which I'm sure will soon wear thin as she tries to stuff a sandwich in the DVD player or something! Every time I try to change her nappy and clothes it feels like a wrestling match as she wriggles away from me oh and anyone would think World War 3 is happening as I try to put her into the car seat, she goes stiff as an ironing board and throws her head back, tries to let out a wail but laughs - I didn't know babies threw tantrums up until now!

On a very positive note she has gone back to sleeping through the night which has made a massive improvement on lots of things but mainly my sanity to be honest! I just had to break the routine of going into the nursery every time she cried for attention. It was hard at first but after a pretty short space of time she understood that she had to settle herself.

And I know that every parent says just how bight their child is but I really do feel grateful that Freya may have inherited her father's brains. She's very communicative and is pretty alert. Freya waves when people enter the room and say hello or goodbye, she claps her hands together, can point at my nose and head when asked and can use baby sign language for 'milk'. It's great being my daughters first teacher! Daddy can definitely help out with her Maths homework when the time comes though!

It's Graham's first Fathers Day tomorrow. I know that Freya can't quite tell him how much she loves him in words just yet but the bond between them is just lovely. Freya has brought out a really openly affectionate side to Graham and she loves nothing more than hanging out with Daddy and pulling out all her tricks to keep him entertained! I couldn't have chosen a better person to have our wonderful daughter with : )

On the work front, things have taken a different path! I still be working in a job that I'm passionate about (Recruitment) however I won't be going it alone any more, oh no, I'm going back to a company I know and love being a part of and that's Oracle. I will only be working 3 days a week and one of those will be at home, I feel happy that a nice balance has been struck without jeopardising my number one priority.

Well, my time is up, Freya has just woken from her nap, let the fun and games of being on my toes again begin! It all changes pretty rapidly once they get mobile!


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